Enrollment in Emden Parish

Enrollment in Emden Parish

Membership of the Parish is acquired through:

  • the desire to live according to Christian principles;
  • participation in holy services;
  • participation in the activities officiated and carried out in our parish;
  • supporting its existence in the form of minimum monthly donations.

Our parish exists and can sustain its activity exclusively from the contributions of its believers, because no subsidy is received from the Romanian or German State, nor from the Metropolis of Nuremberg or the Romanian Patriarchate.

The existence of the parish means a great joy for all Romanians in this area, but at the same time a great responsibility. Everything that is needed for the good conduct of religious life, for the maintenance of the place where we serve and for the entire liturgical, cultural and social activity, is covered from these contributions and from everything that is collected in the church and at the holy services (consecrations, candles , baptisms, weddings, celebrants, donations, etc.). This is the situation of all Romanian Orthodox parishes and Romanian priests in Germany. Romanian Orthodox believers, unlike Roman Catholics and evangelicals, do not pay any church tax (Kirchensteuer) in Germany from their income, at least not to the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Therefore, believers noANDthree register as members in our ParishUm, by completing the registration application, thus benefiting from all the necessary religious assistance, from all the rights of an Orthodox Christian deriving from belonging to the life of the church and at the same time supporting its very existence.

For any other sporadic donations, but also for any support, not necessarily material, we are happy and responsible to fulfill our mission entrusted to all members of the parish. At the beginning of each calendar year, each member receives the donor certificate (this must amount to a minimum of €300/calendar year), necessary for tax deduction.

You can find the registration form at the church - at the shop of church objects (Pangar), or you can request it in writing at secretariat@parohia-emden.de, or by WhatsApp at 0172.674.5460, or by accessing the button below.

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